Utilizing skip tracing strategies in real estate can be more effective in reaching potential sellers than direct mail. In the real estate sector, skip tracing is routinely used to discover property owners who are likely to be motivated sellers. Real estate specialists aim to identify investments, secure listings, and obtain favorable wholesale prices by employing these skip tracing methods.
You will be able to locate homeowners that could easily be missed by other investors, giving you a better chance of closing agreements with motivated sellers.
Here are six top skip tracing strategies for real estate professionals:
1. Plan
“If you don’t plan, you plan to fail,” as the saying goes. This is a proverb that holds in a variety of situations, including with skip tracing strategies for real estate.
What is your plan? Are you planning to buy the property, wholesale it, or put it on the market? Begin by considering your exit strategy. Create a follow-up strategy so that once you’ve identified your target, you’re ready to go.
2. Obtain Potential leads
After you’ve devised a strategy, look up the address or name of a property owner who could be willing to sell. Motivated sellers include those who are facing foreclosure, are behind on their taxes, or are absentee landlords. If you come upon a foreclosed property, make a note of the address. There’s a lead, and it’s a good one. Alternatively, look at how to use a skip tracing real estate app to get hot leads.
3. Research
Look up information about the property and the individual you’re looking for on the internet. You might be surprised at how easy it is to discover everything there is to know about someone on social media these days, thanks to sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, to name a few. A detailed Search on google and public record searches, such as those conducted on county assessor websites, can reveal a lot about a property owner. You might be able to find relatives or friends who can help you learn more about the subject. In terms of customer engagement and property research, Launch Control is the new industry leader. You might employ their services to relieve stress or simply to learn more about the property.
4. Organize
Prepare the information you’ve obtained about the lead in a shape that you can submit or upload to an expert skip tracing service like Launch Control. It’s perfectly fine if you only have the addresses and not the names.
5. Make a file upload
Use a skip tracing service like Launch Control to upload your lead or list of leads. You can enter a lead’s name, address, or phone number here and wait for the skip tracing to be completed. Once you’ve completed the form, you’ll be able to view the full profile of the property and its owner, including all of the necessary contact information. It is also okay if you upload incomplete information, Launch Control is an expert in research, and you have nothing to worry about.
6. Compile a list of those you’d like to contact and contact them.
You should now have everything you need to contact the person or people you’ve been looking for. It’s time to reach out to the prospective seller, perform your magic, and maybe close the sale! Launch Control can be a great asset, they would reach out to the seller, and quickly close a deal for you.
Wrapping up skip tracing strategies for real estate
While all of these strategies are great and would help you as a real estate professional, using the services of Launch Control is also very beneficial, it is affordable, quick, and less stressful.