Boost Your Real Estate Investment Deals with Strategic Text Timing

Learn the best times to send SMS messages to real estate leads, optimizing engagement and boosting deal closure rates. Elevate your REI enterprise with Launch Control's innovative SMS platform, ensuring your messages hit home when it matters most.

In-flight Itinerary

Step 1: Choosing the Right Provider

Step 2: Import Contacts and Segment Lists

Step 3: Optimizing Messages

Step 4: Creating a Consistent Routine

Step 5: Sending Initial Messages

Step 6: Tracking KPIs

Step 7: Adjusting and Optimizing

In-flight Itinerary
best times to send text messages

If you’re a real estate investor (REI) looking to turn leads into sales, SMS engagement could be the key to success. For example, only 11% of businesses are sending out texts while 75% of customers prefer to contact businesses via texting. Missed opportunity there!

But, think about it. In today’s cluttered marketing environment, timing is key when it comes to SMS messaging. You want to reach your leads when and how they prefer.

In this blog post, we’ll share the best times to send SMS messages to leads and give you pro tips to make your messages more impactful. By testing different aspects and tracking response rates and content using Launch Control’s KPIs, you can pinpoint what works best for your audience and close more deals.

Timing Texts: The Secret Sauce for Sealing Deals

Let’s talk about playing the texting game with your REI leads. Do you know how you time your coffee breaks for that perfect espresso shot? Well, texting leads is pretty much the same; timing is your secret weapon.

Imagine your target audience as coffee beans. Professionals? They’re your robusta beans; best reached with a text ping mid-morning, during the sacred lunchtime, or post-work. On the other hand, retirees or stay-at-home parents? They’re your arabica beans. You’re looking at a morning or afternoon text brew for them.

Our savvy customer success managers at Launch Control have been whispering a secret recipe to our subscribers. Our data wizards have discovered three prime times to launch your text convos:

  • Morning espresso shot at 10:00 AM
  • Midday Americano rush between 12 to 1:30 PM
  • Evening latte cool-down from 4:30 to 5:30 PM

But hey, don’t just take our word for it. Put on your scientist goggles and experiment! This is where the fun part comes in – “A/B testing”. We’ll get into the nitty-gritty of this in a bit. But for now, use these timing guidelines as your initial roadmap. Make every text count, and let’s close some deals!

Avoid Commute Times

Closing deals requires effective communication. However, it’s important to be strategic with your timing. Research shows that professionals are less likely to respond to text messages during commuting hours, especially in busy urban centers where most people drive to work.

To maximize your chances of getting a response, avoid reaching out between 6:30-8:00 am and 4:00-7:00 pm. Remember, timing is everything when it comes to sealing the deal!

Try Off-the-Hour Texting

What time do you set your wake-up alarm for every morning? Guessing you set it on the hour, quarter-hour, or half-hour, right?

Most marketers do the same, queuing text messages to send at 10:00 am or 10:15 am, for example. So set yourself apart from other marketing messages by choosing an off-the-hour time, such as 10:07 or 10:24 to send your message to REI leads.

It may seem like a small detail, but it can make a big difference in catching homeowners’ attention and closing those deals.

Be Aware of Time Zones

What’s your lead’s location? Remember, if you’re working across the country (or the globe!) different time zones can make or break your communication with prospects. So, keep your finger on the pulse of the time zones and make sure you’re approaching them at the right time. It’s a small adjustment that can make a big difference in closing those deals!

Know Your Clients and Prospects

To maximize your communication impact, it’s crucial to understand your prospects’ routines and preferences. Picture this: You’re not going to text while your leads are white-knuckling through rush hour, right? But if they’re train commuters, comfortably nestled with their phones, that’s your golden hour to strike with a message.

Here’s the game-changer: Understanding your prospects isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s the ace up your sleeve for closing more deals. So, tune into their routines, anticipate their moves, and watch those deals roll in.

Weekdays, Weekends, and Holidays

When it comes to sending SMS messages to leads, choosing the right day to hit ‘send’ can make a big difference. Busy professionals tend to be more available during the weekdays, while those with unconventional schedules or retirees might be more responsive on weekends. However, keep in mind that weekends are often reserved for leisure time, so weekdays might be a safer bet for most audiences.

Remember, the goal is to maximize your chances of closing deals, so it’s important to consider what works best for your specific target audience.

A Word About Mondays

Research suggests that Monday’s a terrible day to expect high response rates, probably because people are busy tackling their weekend backlog. While individual results may vary, it’s worth keeping in mind that Mondays can be a bit of a slow start. So don’t sweat it if you don’t see a flurry of responses – there are still plenty of weeks left to adjust your timing and close deals!

Avoid Weekend Early Mornings and Late Nights

Avoid sending messages in the wee hours of the morning or late at night, especially on weekends as people tend to sleep in. And while Sundays may seem like a good day to catch up on work, they actually have the lowest response rates. Stick to daytime messages on Saturdays for the best results.

Unsubscribe Requests Are Higher on Weekends

Beware! Unsubscribe requests are significantly higher on weekends than on weekdays. If you are sending SMS messages to leads on weekends, you’ll want to track your opt-out requests closely.

Special Occasions

One way to build relationships with your leads is by sending them SMS messages on special occasions like holidays, birthdays, and work anniversaries. It’s a simple yet effective way to show you care and stand out from the competition.

Just remember to keep your messages short and sweet. Wish your leads a happy holiday or birthday, and avoid any sales pitches. After all, nobody likes feeling like they’re just another lead on your list. And make sure to send your messages a day or two in advance, so they don’t get lost in the shuffle of holiday celebrations.

Effective REI SMS Messaging Strategies

While timing is important, it’s just one element of successful SMS campaigns for real estate investors.

Here are some of the other key areas to focus on:

Enable A/B Testing

What’s the best way to optimize your SMS engagement and text marketing campaigns? A/B testing! A/B testing, also known as split testing, is an experimentation process where two or more versions of a variable (SMS text, email, webpage, etc.) are shown to different segments of visitors at the same time to determine which version leaves the biggest impact and drives business metrics.

By testing different aspects and tracking response rates and content, you can pinpoint what works best for your audience.

For example, consider sending messages at various times of day and tracking your response rates. If your first batch didn’t get results, tweak your times. Try sending your text 30 minutes later, or 45 minutes, or try a smaller batch–drop from 150 to 100–and see what happens.

Luckily, Launch Control’s text messaging platform for real estate professionals can automate A/B split testing and track important metrics like open rates, engagement, and leads generated. With this data-driven approach, you’ll be able to fine-tune your REI campaigns for even greater success and increased ROI. Happy experimenting!

Monitor Analytics

Beyond A/B testing, it’s crucial to track and compare your campaign performance using key metrics like response rates, lead totals, and conversions. This will give you insights on what’s working and what’s not, so you can continuously improve and close more deals. Don’t settle for mediocre results – analyze those KPIs!

Use Scheduling Tools

Efficiently targeting your SMS messages is key to sealing the deal. Luckily, with the right schedule and Launch Control’s automation tools, you can easily reach your clients at the optimal times. Plus, using this data to power drip campaigns ensures a steady stream of communication to keep those deals rolling in.

Provide Personalization

Don’t forget that when it comes to SMS marketing, personalization is key. Sending generic pitches can turn off even the most dedicated investors, so take the time to make each message personal and relevant to the recipient.

Even if you’re using pre-vetted opt-in lists, unknown sources can lead to skepticism. That’s why it’s important to personalize your message and explain why you’re reaching out.

To streamline the process, look for an SMS platform, like Launch Control, that integrates with your customer relationship management (CRM) platform or another database that tracks your leads and sales funnel. By leveraging your knowledge of lead behavior, you can automatically personalize messages at scale to boost engagement and conversion rates.

Remain Professional

While SMS messaging is your canvas for personalization, remember, that it’s all about striking the right balance with a dash of professionalism. Your leads aren’t just looking for a friendly chat, they want a maestro who can navigate the deal-making symphony with finesse, confidence, and trust.

So, don’t hesitate to jazz things up with a friendly tone, but never lose sight of the endgame – crafting a professional bond that’s the cornerstone of deal sealing. Because at the end of the day, it’s this harmonious blend that turns leads into golden opportunities.

Offer Value

In today’s fast-paced world, time is a precious commodity. When reaching out to potential leads, it’s crucial to cut to the chase and offer real value. Highlight your latest deals or share opportunities that align with their needs to keep them engaged. Remember, time wasted is a deal lost. So, keep it relevant and keep it moving!

Respond Quickly

As a successful real estate investor, you know that closing deals is all about speed and responsiveness. When it comes to SMS, quick replies are key. Don’t leave interested parties hanging – be ready to engage in a two-way conversation. Remember, a delay can be misinterpreted as disinterest or distraction. And when urgency is in the mix, an immediate response could make all the difference. So, stay on your toes and be prepared to seal the deal!

Act on Opt-Outs ASAP

Whether you win a new client or cross someone off your list, sealing the deal is what counts. And when someone asks to unsubscribe, it’s important to take action ASAP.

Sending them unwanted messages can leave a bad taste in their mouth and harm your chances with other potential leads. Lucky for you, Launch Control has you covered with a baked-in automated Do Not Call (DNC) list, complete with regular updates about the national registry and list scrubbing.

But don’t sweat it if you get opt-out requests! It’s actually a good thing because it frees up your time to focus on the leads that have real potential. So, stay sharp and keep focusing on warm leads!

Always Stay in Compliance

Relatedly, it’s important to stay on top of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) when texting leads. To keep things legal and avoid penalties, make sure you’re only sending marketing texts to those who have given you their consent. Opt-ins are the way to go, so play it safe and get those permissions before hitting “send”.

SMS Messaging Is a Powerful Tool for REI Brokers

No matter your REI market, it’s important to stay on top of communication trends. If you haven’t already, it’s time to start using SMS messaging to reach your prospects and leave behind the unwanted distractions of email, direct mail, and robocalls. According to recent studies, 90% of customers prefer text messages over phone calls, across all generations, including Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, Millennials, and Gen Z.

SMS messaging is a powerful tool because it allows for direct, two-way conversations with leads. You can quickly gauge interest levels and refine your offers to match their interests. However, it’s important to use SMS messaging wisely. Always be respectful of your leads’ time and focus on providing value rather than just making a sale. By doing so, you can build strong relationships with your leads and turn them into lifelong customers.

When it comes to the best times to send SMS messages to REI leads, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on your target audience and their schedules. Experiment with different times, track your response rates and take special occasions into account to maximize your odds of success.

Grow Your REI Enterprise

Launch Control is the ultimate tool to fuel your REI empire.

Say goodbye to high costs and hello to streamlined prospecting. Our top-rated text messaging platform keeps your leads engaged, informed, and interested, ensuring you always close the deal. Don’t miss out on the most profitable marketing tool in the REI industry. Visit our website or book a call with us to learn more. Let’s take your business to new heights!

In-flight Itinerary

Step 1: Choosing the Right Provider

Step 2: Import Contacts and Segment Lists

Step 3: Optimizing Messages

Step 4: Creating a Consistent Routine

Step 5: Sending Initial Messages

Step 6: Tracking KPIs

Step 7: Adjusting and Optimizing

In-flight Itinerary

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