Your Gateway to Land Investment Success
Expert-led workshops to optimize your land investment business! Join us for Land Week, a series of free online workshops led by the biggest names in land acquisitions!
Education, market analysis, mentorship & community, sales funnel systems, implementing AI, marketing hacks and best practices – this is a must attend resource for any land investors looking to up their profits and gain back time!
Just look at this line up!
27th - 31st January
1pm EST
Attendance is FREE and the focus is on EDUCATION.
Plus, attendees will unlock exclusive special discounts.
Daily schedule:


Seth Williams
from RETipster

Michael Bartolomei
from Launch Control
Seth Williams from RETipster will discuss the best ways to self-educate, steer clear of guru traps, and tap into resources that will obliterate 80% of the typical grind.
Michael and Seth will then show investors how to implement his best practices into their daily text (and overall marketing) engagement routines!


Max Edson and Ryan Doucet
from PRYCD

Michael Bartolomei
from Launch Control
Max & Ryan will dive into the PRYCD method for market analysis and show investors how to translate that data into reduced costs, and higher ROI.
Michael, Max and Ryan will then demo how to A/B test data in Launch Control to further fine-tune and earn!


Jaren Barnes
from Land Maverick Society

Michael Bartolomei
from Launch Control
Jaren Barnes will give attendees a sneak peek at his blueprint for building a 7-figure land acquisitions business as well as highlight how his community Land Maverick Society has grown into a true partnership network; JV opportunities, deal funding – coming up together.
Michael and Jaren will open his LC account to demo how Jaren puts his coaching into practice with text engagement.


Kevin Rockwood
from Pebble REI

Michael Bartolomei
from Launch Control
Using Pebble REI as a centerpiece, Kevin will guide us through his full playbook for CRM optimization – 100% land investor focused.
Michael and Kevin will then give actionable insights on how Launch and Pebble can be used together to create highly profitable lead conversion, retargeting, and buyer connect pipelines!


Callan Faulkner
from REI Optimize

Michael Bartolomei
from Launch Control
Callan from REI Optimize has a full course on monetizing AI for your land business, and she has generously agreed to share some of the highlights of her research, solutions and results.
Michael and Callan will then go into LC to show investors how to make AI led messaging updates in real-time!